Here, I’m feeling happy
Here, I’m feeling sad
Here, I’m feeling angry
And i’m feeling disappointed, but i’m
still here
Happy, because i can eat whatever i want
Can play
anything in every where
Study whenever i want
That’s all i can do comfortably
But, i’m also sad! Caused my realm,
where i play has been broked!
My study right is suitless!
And people still not safe!
Than i feel angry too!! Many our
culturals has been stolen by another countries!
What we only quite?! And let our
culturals has gone?
I think we can keep our cultural,
because we are the generation
Evently i feel disappointed too!
Cause many greedy corruptors outside
there make me misery..
The breaker in the name of religion, that
must be lost!
But now that’s worsen.. really make me
I want to be here,
Indonesia with the peaceful,
comfortable, and rich with kindness! No with badness
Dissent, make us one!
Our realm with the beauty without the
greedy hunters, and kind leader by loving citizen..
Because Indonesia is Paradise Land
With many uniqeness, wealth, and many
more that’s our treasure
That is our obligation to save all for
our children, and grand children later... in the future
by: CupMan
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